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6th International Conference on Emerging
eLearning Technologies and Applications

September 11 - 13, 2008, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia


On the third day of the Conference we organise an all-day social programme . There will be place for discussion and brainstorming on topic of development and new solutions in field of e-learning and brainstorming where many important specialists will participate.

Registration: on-line (www.iceta.sk) or during the day on September 11th, 2008 at the ICETA 2008 Conference Registration Desk.

Price: 50,- EUR / 1600,- Sk (lunch included).

Meeting point: In front of the Hotel Academia, Stará Lesná, the High Tatras, on Saturday the September 13th,2008, at 8:15 CET. The bus will stay at parking place (nearby the hotel). Departure 8:30 CET.

Return: 18:00 CET to the Hotel Academia.

Information: Each participant will receive a booklet with basic historical data, place description and tourist information.

Notes: Travelling by bus. Depending on weather forecast take warmer clothes. The average daily temperature in September is 16 degrees of Celsius.

Guided by:
Viera Marecová (professional tourist guide)
Mobile (in case of emergency): +421 (0)905 583 425

Optional Social Program - Photos


For more information click here

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