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11. - 13. september 2008, Stará Lesná, Vysoké Tatry
11/12th September - Poster Section
The Congress Center ACADEMIA (Hall) | ||
Posters Section Chairman: Miroslav Biňas, Juraj Giertl Dialogues at posters (contacting authors): September 11, 2008 from 18.20 to 19.00 Posters will be displayed throughout the whole Conference |
1 | Implementation of Contact Centre to Healthcare Sector I. Baroňák, I. Ferenczyová, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia |
2 | IPV6 Security Issues and Considerations. Duplicate Address Detection Mechanism Security Problem. I. Grellneth, T. Schwandner, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia |
3 | Remote Control of Cell Phone Via Blouetooth Interface by Computer M. Jurikovič, T. Krajčovič, P. Pištek, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia |
4 | Performance Simulations of ATM Switch Model M. Kavacký, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia |
5 | Data Communication in the Laboratory Complex for Research and Education Support S. A. Kiprushkin, N. A. Korolev, S. Yu. Kurskov, V. V. Semin, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia |
6 | Dynamic Granularity Kernighan-Lee Partitioning Algorithm E. Csókás, P. Čičák, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia |
7 | Knowledge Assessment – Practical Example J. Genči, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia |
8 | Interactive Means for Knowledge Testing M. Paseková, Z. Raška, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic |
9 | Distributed Gpgpu – Implementation Possibilities L. Vokorokos, J. Perháč, B. Madoš, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia |
10 | Three-Dimensional Interfaces of Geographical Information Systems B. Sobota, Cs. Szabó, J. Perháč, H. Myšková, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia |
11 | SQL Statement Knowledge Assesment H. Telepovska, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia |
12 | IMS Learning Design – Individual e-Learning Approach
for Each Student Z. Bizoňová, K. Pilátová, M. Drozdová, University of Žilina, Slovakia |
13 | P.A.TEST – Modern and Successful Learning Using a Universal and Flexible
e-Learning System
R. Ondra, J. Kádárová, Procesná Automatizácia a.s. Košice, Slovakia |
14 | Remote Controlled Experiments for Learning Programmable Logic Controllers D. Perduková, V. Fedák, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia |
15 | Matlab Based Remote Control Using Com Object M. Sedlák, K. Žáková, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia |
16 | Towards a New Approach to Teaching Object Oriented Programming
at DCI Technical University of Kosice
I. Adamuščínová, M. Révés, M. Biňas, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia |
17 | Mathematical Education Reform for ICT Students
M. Klimo, K. Bachratá, University of Žilina, Slovakia |
18 | Mathematical Distance Education and e-Learning
H. Bachratý, K. Bachratá, University of Žilina, Slovakia |
19 | Linux in Accessible Solutions for Homes of Elderly and Disabled People M. Biňas, F. Jakab, A. Galajdová, Techical University in Košice, Slovakia |
20 | 3PeTool – Project Proposal Preparation Electronic Tool for EU FP7 Collaborative Research Programme Z. Brož, Dobřichovice, Czech Republic |
21 | Assistive Technology and Accessible ICT for Education Support
of Students with Disabilities A. Galajdová, D. Šimšík, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia |
22 | Mobile Education Centre P. Čičák, K. Jelemenská, B. Dado, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia |
23 | EU-DAIRY: Facilitate the Visibility and Recogition of Professional Qualifications of the Dairy Sector in the EU M. Hrouska, Czech Agricultural University, Prague |
24 | Using of Occupational Health and Safety Multimedia Case Studies
in Building Industry M. Kozlovská, Z. Struková, Techical University in Košice, Slovakia |
25 | Moodle and e-Learning at Communication and Information Systems Department at University of Defence R. Drmola, M. Mazálková, University of Defence Brno, Czech Republic |
26 | Development of Video Portal Solutions: Videoserver Platform M. Michalko, F. Jakab, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia |
27 | e-Learning at Masaryk University – Outcomes of Fruitful Effort J. Brandejsová, M. Brandejs, G. Novotný, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic |
28 | The Automatic Lecture M. Petrík, E. Petríková, Centre of Information and Communication Technologies, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice Slovakia |
29 | Case Study of Reliability/Item Analysis Of Questionnaire J. Záhorec, M. Munk, A. Hašková, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia |
30 | e-Learning Support of the Teaching of the Subject Water Structures M. Zeleňáková, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia |
31 | Improving Quality, Performance, and Cost-Effectiveness of Healthcare Organizations Through the ‘Improhealth’ Web Portal K. Zgodavová, Ľ. Lengyel, A. Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia |
32 | Improving e-Learning Satisfaction and Attitude to Work for e-Facilitators
and e-Students M. Gurbski, Academy of Humanities and Economics, Łódź, Poland |
33 | Educational Portal www.skolaplus.sk D. Čtvrtníčková, I. Pavlov, Methodological and Pedagogical Centre in Prešov, Slovakia; I. Sivý, F. Jakab, Department of Computers and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia |
34 | Testing the Level of Student Knowledge Using School Web Tests F. Morvay, LCNA - SOUE in Trnava, Slovak Republic |
35 | Educational Model for Next Millennium: The System of Career Promotion
of Professionals in the Field of Computer Networks Based on Industrial Certificates F. Jakab, Cisco Systems Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia Z. Fedáková, elfa, s.r.o., Košice, Slovakia |
36 | Automation in Knowledge Evaluation Process P. Feciľak, K. Kleinová, F. Jakab, J. Bača, Technical Unviersity of Košice, Slovakia |
37 | NetAcad in Hungary G. Beni, NetAcad, Cisco Systems Hungary |
38 | Visual Learning: Case Study of Cisco Networking Academy’s
Packet Tracer 5.0 Application J. Janitor, Regional Cisco Networking Academy at Technical University of Košice, Slovakia F. Jakab, Cisco Systems Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia |
39 | LCNA SPŠE Presov – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow M. Vujčík, Local Cisco Networking Academy at SPŠE Prešov, Slovakia |
40 | Virtual Laboratory J. Janitor, M. Nagy, Regional Cisco Networking Academy at Technical University of Košice, Slovakia F. Jakab, Cisco Systems Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia |
posledná zmena 29.9.2008 | najlepšie prezerať prostredníctvom Mozila Firefox 2.x.x alebo Internet Exploler 7 | optimalizované pre 1024x768 | pre elfa, s.r.o. pripravil biomorf |