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6th International Conference on Emerging
eLearning Technologies and Applications

September 11 - 13, 2008, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

Contributions for the Conference

Preliminary registration through the conference web page www.iceta.sk with uploading full text of the intended contribution within range of 6 pages prepared in the MS Word and published in PDF according to the instructions and template is expected by May 15, 2008.

Each contribution will be review by two international program committee members. The results or proposals for modification will be send to the authors at least Jun 10, 2008.
The final contribution for the conference proceedings preparation must be uploaded to the conference webpage at least July 15, 2008.

The full papers (usually up to six A4 pages) prepared according to the guidelines and
submitted using the Online Submission System
May 15, 2008
Notification of the authors about acceptance of the paper for publication in the
conference proceedings and presentation at the conference.
June 10, 2008
Final camera ready papers are expected to deliver July 15, 2008

By uploading the camera ready conference paper, the corresponding author commits himself to register to and to attend the conference. The corresponding author, or at least one co-author of a paper that has been accepted for presentation, must complete a full registration and pay the full registration fee.If none of the authors register nor submit the camera ready paper to the conference before the deadline, nor does not send the full registration fee (one per paper), the paper is deemed to have considered withdrawn and will not appear in the proceedings or in the ICETA 2008 program.

Paper Template

The authors are asked to prepare the paper for the conference according to the formatting instructions. Please, follow the instructions listed in the file: GUIDELINES.PDF | GUIDELINES.DOC

Prepare the paper by simple copying there and then you will get the perfect results. At paper writing use preferably the keywords from the List of Recommended Keywords.

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