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September 11 - 13, 2008, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia
Conference Topics and Subtopics
1. Future of Education - Education in the
Third Millennium
2. Infrastructure
3. Tools & Content-oriented Applications
4. New Roles of the Instructor and Learner
5. Cases and Projects
2. Infrastructure
3. Tools & Content-oriented Applications
4. New Roles of the Instructor and Learner
5. Cases and Projects
3. Tools & Content-oriented Applications
- Agents and agents’ systems
- Author environment and authoring tools
- Interactive learning environments
- Group-ware tools
- Virtual reality and virtual eLearning infrastructures
- Quality and efficiency of eLearning
- Complex eLearning environments and solutions
- Concepts and modeling of virtual infrastructures: eLearning, e-business, e-medicine, virtual laboratory, virtual university
- mLearning: blending the web-based training and wireless eLearning
- Management and engineering of eLearning systems
- Standardization of eLearning objects
- Intelligent tutoring
- Perspectives in security and research
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