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6th International Conference on Emerging
eLearning Technologies and Applications

September 11 - 13, 2008, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

Chairmen Welcome

Many interesting conferences are organized in similar fields but during years the series of the ICETA conferences have gradually built a good international reputation and has got a dignified place in the ICT world.

Native hospitality of the organizers helps to create an excellent inventive atmosphere that reigns in the conference deliberation. We believe that the conference will continue in long year traditions of meetings of scientists, academicians, developers, teachers, engineers and all those who are interested and working in fields of the conference topics.

Come and join us for a high quality technical program and exciting cultural experience! We look forward to meeting you at ICETA 2008 Conference and we believe you will enjoy your stay there.

František Jakab
Conference Chair
Viliam Fedák
Program Chair
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