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Friday 17.1.2025 | already visited: 2365 prihlasený: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | odhlásiť SLOVAK | ENGLISH
November 19 - 20, 2009, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

News, changes and notices

November 4, 2009Conference Programme available
July 16, 2009Selected papers, accepted and presented at the ICETA 2009 conference, will be after further revision, published in the special edition of the "Acta Electrotechnica at Informatica" journal

To allow the participants to finish their work with paper preparations and according to the request of the Program Committee the deadlines have been also changed.
June 9, 2009Gtec became the supporting partner of the conference
May 4, 2009Živé (www.zive.sk) and Mobilmánia (www.mobilmania.sk) became the media partners of the conference
February 2, 2009Partnerstvá pre prosperitu (www.ppp.sk) became the supporting partner of the conference
January 30, 2009eFocus (www.eFocus.sk) became the media partner of the conference
January 23, 2009EurActiv.sk (www.EurActiv.sk) became the media partner of the conference
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last update 20.7.2009 | for best performance use Mozila Firefox 2.x.x or Internet Exploler 7 | optimalized for 1024x768 | elfa, s.r.o.