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Monday 10.2.2025 | already visited: 2365 prihlasený: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | odhlásiť SLOVAK | ENGLISH
November 19 - 20, 2009, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

6th year of Competition
„eLearning in Praxis“ – November 18, 2009

The competition is a part of the ICETA 2009 conference and will be held in the conference venue. The best eLearning solutions will be awarded and the results in each category will be announced during the conference.

Main goals of the competition:

  • To support the dissemination of web-based education
  • To evaluate the activities in this field and to enhance the quality of the educational process
  • To open mutual communication and discussion among educational institutions and general public about the possibilities of web-based education
  • To support the production of web-based educational materials

The competition is announced in two categories:

  1. Online Courses: This category is represented by a complete course (fully online or combined with strong online component). Its pilot version was already implemented in real class.

  2. Supportting Materials for Online Education: This category is represented by study material, which supports the classic form of study. It is not a complete course or part of the course.

The competitors should register themselves by a Registration Form. The Competition is guided by Rules for the competition.

We’ll bring updated information soon.

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