Monday 10.2.2025 | already visited: 2365 | if(isset($_SESSION['login'])) { $x = $_SESSION['login']; $xx = $_SESSION['ucet']; if($lang == 'en') { echo'logged on: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | log off | '; } if($lang == 'sk') { echo'prihlasený: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | odhlásiť | '; } } ?>SLOVAK | ENGLISH |
November 19 - 20, 2009, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia
Conference Topics and Subtopics
1. Future of Education - Education in the
Third Millennium
2. Infrastructure
3. Tools & Content-oriented Applications
4. New Roles of the Instructor and Learner
5. Cases and Projects
6. Cisco Networking Academy Workshop
2. Infrastructure
3. Tools & Content-oriented Applications
4. New Roles of the Instructor and Learner
5. Cases and Projects
6. Cisco Networking Academy Workshop
1. Future of Education - Education in the Third Millennium
- Bologna process and development trends: simplification of systems of qualifications in higher education, improvement of the mobility across Europe, attracting foreign students, ensuring higher standards of education, lifelong learning, involvement of students and educational institutions into the educational process, strengthening of European dimension in education
- Politics of educational process in knowledge society
- Platforms for consensus, comparison, evaluation, and development of politics of education
- National and European Qualifications Framework
- Revitalization of higher education and promotion of industry-university collaboration
- Multinational educational, training, and youth partner programs
- International projects of innovative teaching and learning
- Educational structures over crossing country borders - international recognition of qualifications and comparability of qualifications
- Sharing best practices on intercultural education
$gen_part="General Partners";
$med_part="Media Partners";
else if($lang="sk")
$gen_part="Generálni partneri";
$med_part="Mediálni partneri";
echo '
echo '
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