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Monday 10.2.2025 | already visited: 2365 prihlasený: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | odhlásiť SLOVAK | ENGLISH
October 27 - 29, 2010, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

Instructions for Authors

According to the planned conference program, there are 2 kinds of presentations:

  • lecture (oral) presentation and
  • dialogue (poster) presentations

In both cases, the scientific quality of the paper is considered to be the same. The authors are asked to mark the preferred form of presentation into the full paper (uploaded for reviewing by August 31, 2010).

The reviewers will consider the suitability of the paper for the chosen form of presentation and will propose the form of presentation. According to their recommendation and suitability for the conference sessions the organizing committee will propose the final form of presentation that will be announced to the author(s).

Lecture Presentations

The authors are asked to upload the full papers (6 pages) by August 31, 2010. Each paper will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. Their recommendations and proposals for improvements of the camera ready paper will be sent to the authors (if any).

If unable to submit the abstract electronically, please contact the Conference Secretariat link/mail

Preparing the poster

Please follow the instructions in the guidelines for preparing the posters.

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