Friday 17.1.2025 | already visited: 2365 SLOVAK | ENGLISH
October 24 - 25, 2013, Starý Smokovec, The High Tatras, Slovakia


After confirmation of acceptance of your paper (i.e. after reviewing) you can pay the conference fee in favor of:

Bank Transfer - Payment in EUR:

  • Account holder: elfa, s.r.o., Park Komenského 7, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia

  • Bank: Tatra banka, a.s., Štúrova 28, SK-04001 Košice, Slovakia

  • Bank Account: 2925878236 / 1100

  • IBAN: SK11 1100 0000 0029 2587 8236

  • Variable symbol: participant code will be sent immediately after registration (XXXX102013)

  • SWIFT code is: TATRSKBX

  • ID Message (IMPORTANT!): ICETA 2013 / Participant Name

To be sure, kindly bring the proof of the payment to the Conference registration desk. All bank charges must be paid by the payer.
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