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Monday 10.2.2025 | already visited: 2365 prihlasený: '.$x.' - '.$xx.' | odhlásiť SLOVAK | ENGLISH
October 27 - 29, 2010, Stara Lesna, The High Tatras, Slovakia

Registration Fees

By uploading the camera ready conference paper, the corresponding author commits himself to register to and to attend the conference. The corresponding author, or at least one co-author of a paper that has been accepted for presentation, must complete a full registration and pay the full registration fee.

For the conference participants we recommend an early registration with advantageous advance fee payment.

Payment date until
August 31, 2010
September 1, 2010
Full registration fee (one per contribution)(incl. access to the Conference, Conference CD ROM proceedings, contribution publication at Conference Proceedings, Welcome Party, refreshment during the conference) 280 EUR 330 EUR
Co-author and passive participants
(incl. access to the Conference, Conference CD ROM proceedings, Welcome Party, refreshment during the conference)
230 EUR 280 EUR
Competition project fee 50 EUR 75 EUR
Fees are including VAT

Other Services

  • Extra page(s) (more than 6 pages) - 22 EUR / page
  • Extra CD/DVD ROM proceedings - 22 EUR (extra CD/DVD)
  • Printed proceeding - 50 EUR
  • Welcome Party - 50 EUR (if asked an extra ticket)
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last update 10.2.2010 | for best performance use Mozila Firefox 2.x.x or Internet Exploler 7 | optimalized for 1024x768 | elfa, s.r.o.